The management of Computer Services Limited Certifying Authority (CSL CA) has assessed the controls over its Certifying Authority services located at: (Reg Address: 12B Ataturk Tower, 22 Kemal ATtaurk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213) & (Operation Center: House: 83, Road: 14, Sector: 12, Gausul Azam Avenue, Uttara, Dhaka-1231), Bangladesh.
Based on that assessment, in CSL CA’s Management’s opinion, in developing its Certifying Authority services during the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022:
- Disclosed its Digital Certificate life cycle management practices and procedures, including its commitment to provide Digital Certificates in conformity with the Interoperability Guidelines and provided such services in accordance with its disclosed Certificate Practice Statement.
Maintained effective controls to provide reasonable assurance that-
Digital Certificate Subscriber information was properly collected, authenticated (for the registration activities) and verified, and – The integrity of keys and Digital Certificates it manages is established and protected throughout their life cycles, in accordance with the CPS for Certifying Authorities Audit Criteria.